Blessings from India! Thank you so much for your prayers. God is faithful and we have seen His hand move in a mighty way. As Revelation 19:7 says, “Let us REJOICE and EXALT and give God the GLORY!”

The first outreach was held on Monday. The hall was packed and people were standing outside listening to the gospel. I sensed the Holy Spirit richly blessed the preaching of the gospel from Luke 2.

Since Saturday I had been fighting a fever, severe headache, running nose, sore throat, and body pains. Late Monday evening after the outreach it became much worse. I began vomiting and the fever was increasing. On Tuesday morning they took me to the hospital where I received antibiotics and fluids. Last night I was not able to preach but spent the evening resting. Vijay, our ministry partner, preached in my place and the Lord richly blessed the evening. By God’s grace, I am feeling strong this morning and healed. My father and mother prayed Isaiah 58:8 for me, “Then shall your light break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up speedily; your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard.” I’m believing this verse for the remainder of the trip.

Prayer Requests:
Wednesday Evening (or 9 am Central): Good News Christmas Concert in C-Puram. Pray for a great move of the Holy Spirit on the preaching of the gospel.
Thursday Day: Preaching at a Pastor’s Conference in Ventrapagada. Pray for many pastors to be encouraged to continue to preach the gospel in hard places and to “stand strong in the Lord and the strength of His might.” I’m preaching a series from Ephesians 6:10-20 on fighting the good fight.
Thursday Evening (or 9 am Central): Good News Christmas Concert in Vungturu
Friday: Continuing a Pastor’s Conference in Ventrapagada.
Friday Evening: Good News Christmas Concert in Ventrapragada.
Saturday Evening: Good News Christmas Concert at Dalit Village. The Dalits are also known as the “Untouchables”. The poorest of the poor. I have been told that they are very excited to have a Christmas Concert in their village for the first time. I’m especially looking forward to being with them. Below is a picture of some children from the village where we will be. I’ve visited this village in the past and have been very blessed to see their love for Christ. Pray for many more to know Christ’s love for them and the forgiveness of sins in His name!
With love,