Thank you so much for all of your prayers. God has done a great work for His glory in India. I’m on my way home now after seeing. Here’s some quick praises:

In our weakness God’s strength is made PERECT. In seven days we held 5 outreaches, conducted 4 church services, hosted a Pastor’s Conference, baptized 6 new believers, preached 4 messages on TV, visited the Dalits, and spent one day in the hospital, for a total of 17 times of preaching the Gospel. I’m amazed at His grace!!! My heart is SOOO thankful to God for this amazing opportunity and open door in India.

Quick Testimonies
Thursday Night:

The picture above is of a young girl who was one of the first to come forward to surrender her life to Jesus Christ. This was very brave considering the context of living in a small village and knowing that she might face persecution. She was so touched by the Gospel that she was weeping loudly and crying out for forgiveness. I was very encouraged to see God granting repentance and faith in Christ.

I sensed a supernatural anointing on Friday night. This outreach was conducted in Vijay’s village where they have a church and ministry. Many Hindus came forward (see below) who Vijay said have been VERY resistant to the Gospel and Vijay’s ministry. God gave a breakthrough. Now we pray that they would join Vijay’s church and be baptized followers of Christ.

My sister packaged candies, toothbrushes and paste for the Dalet children. Seeing their happy faces, and their parent’s faces, was an incredible blessing. This was first Christmas concert in their village so they were very excited to listen to the Christmas music and hear the Gospel.

Also, these believers have been praying for a church building and children’s home for many years. We prayed and asked God to open a door. It just happened to be that the owner of some nearby land talked to Vijay after the service and told him that he would sell us land for $900. Before I left for India a donor gave me $1000 and told me to use it to help the children and the poor. I KNEW it was God! So we are going to purchase the land and build a church and children’s home! Praise God! I’m so happy. When we told the leaders of the church they were overflowing with joy and praises to God.

Thank you SO much for your prayers and financial support. May God continue to bless this country with the Gospel and with His love. God is great. Have a Merry Christmas. Love you much!

For Christ’s Glory,