
Justin Hoover- Evangelist/Founder

Shortly after being saved by God’s amazing grace, I fell in love with God’s Word and I had a growing desire to see souls saved. At the age of 25 I felt a strong call on my life to leave the field of software engineering and to pursue missionary work. The Lord opened a door to travel to Indonesia in order to use my pilot’s license and computer skills to help spread the gospel to some of the most remote parts of the world. It was in Indonesia while flying airplanes with Mission Aviation Fellowship that God opened doors for me to preach the Gospel for the first time. God immediately confirmed my call as an evangelist to the nations. I will never forget falling to my knees in Indonesia and crying out, “Lord Jesus, if you will provide for me and open the doors to go to Seminary in order to learn how to preach Your Word, I will follow You no matter what the cost!” Looking back, God has more than abundantly provided for every need and He has done far more than I could have imagined. What a faithful God we serve!

While at Bethel Seminary in St. Paul God opened doors for me to pastor Grace Church of Hastings. It was an incredible blessing to shepherd God’s flock and to preach His Word week after week. Those were some of the most challenging but also the most formable years of life. I realize now that God wanted me to experience pastoring a church so that I would have a heart for pastors as I help plant churches and advance the Gospel among the nations.

After pastoring at Grace Church, God opened a door to be mentored and study the Word of God under John Piper and the incredible staff at Bethlehem Baptist Church. While at Bethlehem I also had the joy of serving as an Outreach Minister, leading and preaching at Good News Festivals, teaching evangelism classes, and leading teams out on the streets of Minneapolis to share the Gospel. This was an incredible season of life as we zealously sought to see souls saved.

Nine years ago, during my second year of mentorship at Bethlehem, Pastor Tom Steller invited me to Southeast Asia on a missions trip to conduct a Pastor’s Conference and Village Outreaches. This is where I met Vijay and his family. God immediately burdened my heart for this front line, radical Gospel ministry. I knew God was calling me to pour my life into helping spread the Gospel in the most unreached nation of the world. God has given me a great love for Vijay, his family, the indigenous pastors, and the people of this country. For nine years we have preached the Gospel together to over 12,000 people, planted 110 churches, built a church-planting center and children’s home, and seen the grace of God poured out upon us. I pray for many, many more years of favor as we seek to advance the Gospel in the 10/40 window.

I currently have the blessing of working full-time for Billy Graham Evangelistic Association in helping prepare Franklin Graham’s gospel outreaches. Please pray that the Lord Jesus would be glorified among the nations and in my life. Following Christ and bringing His Gospel to the nations has been an incredible blessing, honor, and joy. I owe everything to the grace of God and the love of Christ in my life. May He use us to reach every nation for Christ.


Vijay Sastry- Indigenous Church Planter

How it all began

I was raised in a Christian family but my father and mother had come out of Hindu background. For a long while my parents didn’t have children. With much prayers and by God’s grace I was born as a first child to my parents. As a child growing up i was rebellious and as a pastor’s kid I lived a double life. Finally, the Gospel of Jesus Christ transformed my life. Though I do not deserve God’s grace I received it freely as a gift. Praise the Lord. I gave my life to Christ when I was also17 years old. But I had no enthusiasm to follow my father’s steps as a preacher. For I saw all the difficulties my parents have been facing in the ministry. As I was growing up, I wanted to become Indian Police Service officer. But my parents sent me to a seminary in 1997 for they said that I was for the ministry even before I was born. So out of respect for my parents I went to the seminary with unwillingness and reluctance. I did not even know much English then. But a thought gnawed at my conscience: “Am I here for the right reason? or am I here just to please my parents?” But coming to the seminary proved to be a life-transforming experience. I prayed for two and a half years to know God’s will in my life and to hear a special call for my ministry.

The call of God in my life

The call came to me in the form of a vision in April 1999, just before my graduation. In my vision I saw a hand come from above and quickly draw a world map in the sky and a small box within the world map. Then I heard a voice saying, “Jesus is going to come soon; be prepared and make people prepared.” Then the vision ended. Even to this very moment, I can vividly remember this vision. At first I did not understand what the vision meant for me and wondered what that box was. Therefore I started praying again, so that I could understand the meaning of the vision for my life.

Reach All Nations Begins

A few weeks later some one was sharing prayer request in the chapel service with the help of an overhead projector. He showed the picture and said, “This place in the world map is called 10/40 window.” This was the first time I had ever heard about the 10/40 window. Then I was struck by the memory of my vision: the picture that was projected was the same thing I saw in my vision, the 10/40 window. Suddenly I knew what the rectangle was, confirming my personal call of God. I began to realize that I had a vision from the Lord with a specific mission. Having this call of God though a vision as the foundation for the ministry in April 2001 myself along with my father Pastor M. Sundara Rao and the church my father is Pastoring, began Reach All Nations (RAN) ministry in Andhra Pradesh State with a particular desire to bring the Gospel to “our Neighbors” in the 10/40 window area. What an amazing privilege it is to be called of God! And to do HIS kingdom’s work in the most unreached places of our times.

Vedanayakam Sastry Meesala (Pastor Nani)- Pastor, Church Planter, Children’s Home Director

How it all began

I am Vedanayakam Sastry Meesala, but you can call me Pastor Nani.  I have two elder brothers and one younger sister. My parents are Hindu converts and my father served as a Pastor at the Indian Pentecostal Church from 1977 to 2013 in Ventrapragada, Krishna District, India and went to be with the Lord in 2013.

As a child I grew up in a Christian environment. I used to attend all the Sunday school programs and participate in the church services and other related programs. I was touched by the word of God and realized my need for repentance and to commit myself to Jesus and accept Him as my personal savior. On 24 April 2000 I gave my life to Jesus and took water Baptism at the age of 16. Since then I had a growing desire to serve Him. From my childhood onwards I was active in attending Sunday school and other spiritual activities. From my childhood I was interested in music and by God’s grace I play piano and used to help my father in his ministry. I have been involved in the ministry through music. God gave me opportunities to play music in different places, for church meetings and Conventions. The more I was involved in the ministry, the more I felt a strong calling into ministry and to have more passion for lost souls. 

By the time my father went to be with the Lord I finished my Bachelor of Theology in the year of 2006 and Master of Divinity in 2008.  I got married and worked as an assistant pastor.  After my father’s death the church leaders appointed me as senior pastor and since then I have been working as pastor at IPC CHURCH Ventrapragada. In July of 2021 I started EVERY NATION FOR CHRIST INDIA where we serve the Lord in various capacities. 

I am married to Daya Mani Meesala and we are blessed with a baby girl (Raja Kumar Meesala or Naina for short) after 8 years of being married. Doctors said it is impossible for us to have children but Our God is a God of miracles and made a miracle in our lives.

Contact Pastor Nani by Email: ENFCINDIA@gmail.com

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