Yearly Archives: 2014


God’s Strength In Our Weakness

By | December 16th, 2014|Categories: Missions|

Blessings from India! Thank you so much for your prayers. God is faithful and we have seen His hand move in a mighty way. As Revelation 19:7 says, "Let us REJOICE and EXALT and give God the GLORY!" Testimonies: The first outreach was held on Monday. The hall was packed and people were standing outside listening [...]

Testimonies from the Mission Field

By | December 4th, 2014|Categories: Missions|

Thank you so much for all of your prayers. God has done a great work for His glory in India. I'm on my way home now after seeing. Here's some quick praises: In our weakness God's strength is made PERECT. In seven days we held 5 outreaches, conducted 4 church services, hosted a Pastor's Conference, baptized [...]